The Perfect FALL Smoothie Bowl

Kailey ElfstrumSep 28, 2018
Pumpkin Smoothie Bowl

Pumpkin Spiced Smoothie Bowl Recipe! 

The delicious recipe was provided by Whiskey and Aprons. You can check out their Instagram for more delicious recipes, here

Caffeinated Smoothie Bowl


 1/2 cup of all natural organic pumpkin
3/4 cup of unsweetened vanilla almond milk
1 banana
1 tbsp of pumpkin pie seasoning
1/2 c of blueberries
1 tsp of chia seeds
1/4 cup of your favorite granola (we used pecan maple!)
1 pureLYFT Original Flavor
1/2 cup of ice 


Blend the pumpkin, almond milk, banana, and Original pureLYFT powder together with 1/2 cup of ice. Pour into bowl and top with the remainder of ingredients!
pureLYFT benefits
pureLYFT is an all-natural energy stir stick. You can add 125mg of caffeine from green coffee bean to any beverage you like.