A Little Boost
For Our Moms
Moms! Who could possibly need more energy than you?!
If you have kids, you know better than anyone the non-stop work it takes to be a parent. You’re up early in the morning, and on your toes all day! There is just no time to rest.
That’s where pureLYFT® all-natural energy stir sticks come in.
Whether you’re on your way to soccer practice, ballet lessons or school functions, you know how important it is to stay energized.
Now You Can
Energize Anything™
pureLYFT® is your alternative to artificially flavored, sugar laden energy drinks. It is simply pure, all-natural Clean Caffeine™ derived from green coffee beans. Just add to ANY beverage and enjoy! It is the equivalent of a tall cup of coffee, without the sour aftertaste and sour stomach. When you need some extra energy, grab your pureLYFT™ and stay energized all day long!
From A Few
Moms Like You
What Is
Clean Caffeine
You don’t need to sacrifice your health and time to find a caffeinated beverage.
Zero Calories
Getting energy shouldn’t
feel guilty
All Natural
We don’t believe in anything artificial or synthetic
Clean Taste
What you drink should
taste great
Nothing Artificial
Again, something clean
has to be natural
No Preservatives
Our sticks don’t need anything extra to stay strong
No need to try and
one-up nature
No animals needed for
clean, raw energy
Made in the USA
We are proud & support where we come from
Easy to Use
Just pop & pour or
peel & stir
Let’s Be Friends?
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