Power Through

Road Warrior

At your convention and conference, pureLYFT® is right there with you!

You’re a road warrior. You spend hundreds of days each year on the go. Hotels, convention centers and conferences. Business travel can take a lot out of you.

Despite your flight arriving late and getting only few hours of sleep, you’re up at 6 am and need to be on your game. The coming days are filled with early breakfasts and late dinners, with non-stop meetings in between.

You need to stay alert, maintain your energy, and not let coffee breath get in the way of closing your next big deal. You need all-day energy, every hour of the day. All-Natural pureLYFT® energy stir sticks are the answer.

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Now You Can

Energize Anything™

pureLYFT®! is your alternative to artificially flavored, sugar laden energy drinks. Add pureLYFT®! Clean Caffeine® into your beverage of choice…including adult beverages. pureLYFT®! comes complete in a unique stir stick and has the equivalent of about one cup of premium coffee. Versatile for the pool, the tables, or just to grab heading out of your hotel room for whatever the days has in store. Add pureLYFT®! to anything and feel your energy soar!

From A Few

Customers Like You

I work a lot. I have two jobs, on top of two school-age kids and a husband. There are quite a few times where I am running on "fumes" and need a pick me up. Sadly, a lot of those times are when I don't have access to a coffee machine. I can add pureLYFT to whatever I have readily available. It gives you a nice, easy going boost without the jitters associated with caffeine pills or energy drinks. I am so amazed on how much this stuff works. I'm a stay at home mom with a 3 year old and a 10 month old. I'm always looking for a caffeine product to keep me going just as much as they do. And I can say that this is the right product for that. I highly recommend this. I have two children and I am always running round them all day long. I get really tired and always need something to give me energy so I can be on my feet. I like this pureLYFT All Natural Clean Caffeine because it really does help me lift my energy levels and keep me going all day long. I needed something to help me during my daughter's zoo field trip which I was chaperoning. Let me just say that I took this in the morning when I boarded the schoolbus and after that everything was great! I was able to keep up with her classmates and even at the end of the day attended my Zumba class! This is a great alternative to me drinking redbulls throughout the day.

What Is

Clean Caffeine

You don’t need to sacrifice your health and time to find a caffeinated beverage.

Zero Calories

Getting energy shouldn’t
feel guilty

All Natural

We don’t believe in anything artificial or synthetic

Clean Taste

What you drink should
taste great

Nothing Artificial

Again, something clean
has to be natural

No Preservatives

Our sticks don’t need anything extra to stay strong


No need to try and
one-up nature


No animals needed for
clean, raw energy

Made in the USA

We are proud & support where we come from

Easy to Use

Just pop & pour or
peel & stir


Let’s Be Friends?

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