Keep Going
All Day or All Night
College? Finals? Gap year? Internship? First job? No job?
College students need energy. You need caffeine. But studies, activities and socializing can make it challenging to maintain your mojo.
That’s where pureLYFT®! comes in!
Whether you’re moving between classes, studying through the night, heading to your job or need a break from that spreadsheet you’ve been working on, pureLYFT®! energy stir sticks are your solution. The all-natural Clean Caffeine™, derived from green coffee bean extract, keeps you alert and energized…anywhere, anytime!
Now You Can
Energize Anything™
pureLYFT®! is compact and portable. It has a clean, refreshing taste with just a hint of sweetness, and is enriched with vitamin A and B complex. pureLYFT®! is your alternative to artificially flavored, sugar laden energy drinks and bitter coffee breath. Just add pureLYFT®! to your beverage of choice and enjoy! It’s the equivalent of a tall cup of coffee. Study hard. Play hard. Ace the test with pureLYFT®!
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Customers Like You
What Is
Clean Caffeine
You don’t need to sacrifice your health and time to find a caffeinated beverage.
Zero Calories
Getting energy shouldn’t
feel guilty
All Natural
We don’t believe in anything artificial or synthetic
Clean Taste
What you drink should
taste great
Nothing Artificial
Again, something clean
has to be natural
No Preservatives
Our sticks don’t need anything extra to stay strong
No need to try and
one-up nature
No animals needed for
clean, raw energy
Made in the USA
We are proud & support where we come from
Easy to Use
Just pop & pour or
peel & stir
Let’s Be Friends?
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