Top 10 Things You Need This Fall
By: Britanea Lockhart
Fall is upon us already! As a college student, this is the time of year we hate the most. It is
halfway through the semester, we aren’t as comfortable in jeans and it is getting cold! So
here is a list of 10 things you will need to make the transition into fall easier! All of the
items that I am listing can be found on the amazing website amazon.com and can keep you
on budget.
Leggings are essential for this fall! They are comfortable and can be super
warm. Leggings can be colorful or just plain, thick or thin. However, you
decide to dress is completely up to you.
2. Keurig
I own a single serving Keurig and it is perfect for myself. It is super easy to
use, and it was cheap. It works great for a quick cup of coffee or cocoa on a
brisk morning before class.
3. Insulated cup
Getting a nice insulated cup will help keep those hot beverages HOT and the
cold ones COLD. On Etsy, there are lots of choices to choose from tall to
short to wide. I prefer the ones that are tall and thin so that it will easily fit
into my backpack on the way to class. Here is a link to some of our favorites!
4. Infinity Scarf
Scarfs are necessary! They help keep off the chill in the morning and are very
popular. Personally, I like the big fluffy ones that are plain, because they go
with everything and I don’t have to get many of them which helps keep me
on budget.
5. Boots
Last year I wished I had boots. They come in handy on those cold rainy days
before it starts to snow outside. Then once it does get that cold outside,
boots help keep your feet warm and keep the snow out.
6. pureLYFT
This is an energy stir stick that is compact and ready to go. It is a convenient
way to get a quick energy fix and keep you going. As a college student, this
time of year is the hardest because it is hard to stay motivated as the
weather changes. pureLYFT HELPS!
7. Socks
Socks are important for the wardrobe. They go nicely with those boots I
mentioned earlier, or they can just be worn around the house. I enjoy my
fuzzy tall socks.
8. Blankets
This is the time of year that blankets come out in all stores. The kind that
when walking past you have to touch and say, “OMG this blanket is so soft.”
So, don’t waste your time, just get one already. Here is a link to our favorite on Etsy!
9. Diffuser
All year round, I love the scents that come out of my diffuser. Especially this
time of year. I love the smell of apple cinnamon and Pumpkin, just to name a
few. All of the oils that go into the diffuser works in different ways. Here is a link to one on Amazon!
10. School spirit
For a college student, school spirit is a must! Now, you don’t need to get one
of everything, but a hoodie or a long-sleeved shirt will do.
Thanks for reading my 10 must have items this Fall, I hope you enjoyed it!
Check out pureLYFT and how you can energize anything!